I mentioned this in Your Week in Readings, but I thought it could use a little elaborating here: the Saturday after Thanksgiving is Small Business Saturday, when consumers are reminded to turn their backs on malls and chain stores and online retailers and visit the stores that help make their communities vibrant, interesting places to live.
Even better, local independent bookstores are celebrating Indies First, a program (invented by Sherman Alexie) in which authors work as booksellers at their favorite bookstores for a day. In short, you can go support small business, get a book signed, and get a personalized recommendation from your favorite Seattle authors. Here’s a list of all the Indies First participants that I’ve found (in alphabetical order) and a list of the authors appearing at the stores. Click the links for schedules and more details.
Go give your local booksellers some love. And give the people you love books for the holidays. Books are obviously the best gift.