We're so excited about our first sponsor of 2016. Mineral School is an overnight artist's residency situated in an old elementary school in Mineral, Washington. It's in the foothills of Mount Rainier, an idyllic and perfect setting for an artist focusing on getting some work done. If two weeks dedicated to your writing in an amazing setting with delicious food provided seems like a dream to you, then you should get your application in as soon as you can. Find out how on our sponsors page.
Plus, we have poems from two Mineral School alumns on the sponsors page to inspire you, and a link for you to submit your application (psst! The poems are good enough that you may want to read them even if you aren't going to apply).
Our thanks to Mineral School. It's sponsors like them that keep original content on our site day after day. They've joined in our campaign to make internet advertising 100 percent less terrible, and we're so grateful that they did.