Your Week in Readings, our weekly column highlighting one amazing event per day, is moving to Wednesdays. But we don’t want to leave you without events for two days, so here’s a special supplementary listing for today:
Once you get the practice down, most writers will tell you, writing is easy. It’s the revising that’s tough. When you understand that fact, it’s really kind of surprising that aspiring authors spend so much money on how-to-write classes, when it’s the revision classes that ought to be their focus.
Tonight, the Hugo House is hosting a rare revision-focused event titled Marginalia. Seattle author Adrianne Harun and Seattle screenwriter and author Ramon Isao will join novelist Dana Spiotta to discuss the act of revision — what works, what doesn’t, and why it’s so damned important.
These are three writers at very different places in their careers — Spiotta publishes regularly and teaches writing at Syracuse; Harun is just getting started as a novelist but has also published a short story collection; and Isao has been published in literary journals including Hobart and the Iowa Review. They presumably each have very different revising techniques and philosophies, so between the three of them, you’re very likely to find someone whose idea of revision speaks to you.
It’s free! Go learn.