Even if our poorest schools had broadband and ample devices, believing that free e-books are the key to ending our literacy crisis is dangerously misguided. Technology is repeatedly touted as a cure for the United States’ educational woes, promising everything from banishing boredom to widespread reform. Interactive whiteboards were the hope a few years ago, and Google Earth was supposed to make our children masters of geography. There is more technology in our classrooms and homes than ever, but too often these expensive technologies yield few gains in learning or gains not commensurate with cost.
Jia Tolentino at Jezebel asks, "Is This the End of the Era of the Important, Inappropriate Literary Man?" Let's hope so.
Brandi Bailey at Book Riot has compiled a list of bookish runway fashions. Some of them are just silly — sticking a book on a hat, really? — but it's a fun look at two arts that rarely go together.
The NRA's gun-happy takes on fairy tales are just as awful as you'd expect. With the NRA, it's impossible to tell the difference between parody and reality these days.