Wednesday July 13: HEX Reading
Dutch author Thomas Olde Heuvelt’s horror novel
HEX was a worldwide bestseller before it was even translated into English. Now it should become a bestseller in America, too; it’s got all the elements of a good horror yarn, including a witch’s curse, imperiled teens, a plague of suicides, and the fate of the known universe.
University Book Store, 4326 University Way N.E., 634-3400, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Thursday July 14: REMEMBER ME
See our Event of the Week Column for more details.
Vermillion Art Gallery and Bar, 1508 11th Ave., 709-9797, Free. All ages. 6 p.m.
Friday July 15: Represent This!
Beloved Greenwood hangout spot the Couth Buzzard presents a politically minded cabaret featuring music, stories, poetry, and comedy. I’m most looking forward to Seattle poet David Fewster, long a very funny open mic mainstay who just published his very first collection with the Couth Buzzard’s brand-new press.
Couth Buzzard Books, 8310 Greenwood Ave N., Donation. All ages. 7:30 p.m.
Saturday July 16: Second Life Reading
SJ Watson writes the kind of twisty psychological thrillers that Hollywood swarms over like horny locusts.
Before I Go to Sleep became a movie starring Nicole Kidman and his newest,
Second Life, has already been optioned by Reese Withersppon, who also produced
Gone Girl. Tonight, Watson will be interviewed onstage by Seattle memoirist Sonya Lea.
University Book Store, 4326 University Way N.E., 634-3400, Free. All ages. 3 p.m.
Sunday July 17: Friends of the Library Pop-up Shop
You have for sure attended the semiannual Friends of the Library book sale, right? Well, lately, the Friends have been trying something new: a mini-used bookstore that travels from branch to branch, with a small selection of quality books (mostly paperbacks and kids’ books) for just a buck a piece.
Magnolia Public Library, 2801 34th Ave. W., 386-4225,, free, all ages, 1 p.m.
Monday July 18: The Fire Line Reading
Due to climate change, we’ve gotten used to the annual display of out-of-control wildfires and the brave women and men who fight them. Fernanda Santos’s new book recounts one of the deadliest days in the history of firefighting, describing the kind of nightmare we might see more of in the near in future.
Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE, 366-3333, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.

Tuesday July 19: The Nordic Theory of Everything Reading
For a year, Bernie Sanders talked up the Scandinavian way of life: free health care, income and gender equality, and other so-called “socialistic” government programs. In her new book, Finnish journalist Anu Partenan discusses the values that Scandinavian government is based on and whether those philosophies are compatible with everyday life in the U.S.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, . Free. All ages. 7 p.m.