Discovering new writers can be really hard. It's the reason we started our sponsorship program, and J.A. Wright is exactly the kind of writer we built it for. She's bringing her superbly wrought debut novel How To Grow an Addict to our site this week.
On our sponsor's page we have the prologue and first chapter, so you can read enough to discover that this is indeed a book you want to invest in. Follow the story of Randall, consigned to rehab and sure that she's the only one there with good reasons for her boozing and drugging. But Wright does something extraordinary in the canon of addiction literature: she uncovers the why; she tells the story of the steps it took to build an addict.
It's thanks to sponsors like J.A. Wright, and readers like you, that we're able to keep the pixels lit up here at the Seattle Review of Books. We've just released our next block of sponsorship opportunities. Check them out on the sponsorship page, and grab your date before they're gone.