Wednesday August 10: Train to Bombay
In her native India, Jaina Sanga has published a novel and a book of short stories. Though Sanga writes in English, has lived in the US since 1980, and currently resides in Dallas, her books have never been published here. Elliott Bay has imported her books and is throwing one of her only US events here tonight, making this a unique moment in international literature.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Thursday August 11: Ghostly Echoes
Now that you’ve gotten Harry Potter out of your system for a while, what are you going to read? William Ritter’s Jackaby series is about a young woman who becomes the assistant of a paranormal investigator.The third book in the series is about a ghost who hires our heroes to solve her own murder.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, . Free. All ages. 7 p.m. PAUL
Friday August 12: Finding Time
The problem with our economy, Heather Boushey argues, is it’s based on a nuclear family system in which one adult goes to work and another adult stays home and rears children, and our systems of work and leisure have never been realigned to fit the new paradigm. Find out how she wants to fix it.
University Book Store, 4326 University Way N.E., 634-3400, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Saturday August 13: Comics Dungeon Anniversary Week
All week long, Wallingford’s Comic Dungeon celebrates its anniversary with a big sale (graphic novels from 20 to 30 percent off!) Today, to help celebrate one of the best and longest-running shops in town, writer John Layman shows up to sign his delightfully weird food-obsessed sci-fi series
Comics Dungeon, 319 NE 45th St., 545-8373, Free. All ages. 1 p.m.

Sunday August 14: Sherman Alexie Reads to Kids
Any Sherman Alexie event is worth your while. He’s quite simply the best reader in Seattle — funny, charismatic, brilliant. But he usually packs the biggest rooms in town; this is a rare chance to enjoy him in an intimate venue as he reads from his new children’s book,
Thunder Boy Jr.
Queen Anne Book Company, 1811 Queen Anne Ave N., 284-2427, Free. All ages. 3 p.m.
Monday August 15: Cody Walker & Friends
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, . Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Tuesday August 16: The Looseleaf Reading Series
Four Seattle-area writers — Natasha Marin, Suzanne Bottelli, Max Oliver Delsohn, Stephanie Barbé Hammer—and one writer visiting from California — novelist Yi Shun Lai — read new work at this ongoing literary series in Chop Suey’s den. Maybe pick up a new favorite writer or two in a nontraditional reading atmosphere.
Chop Suey, 1325 E. Madison St., 324-8005, Free. 21+. 7 p.m.