Wednesday October 26th: The Hidden Lives of Owls Reading
Look, fuck the election; it’s time to talk about owls. Leigh Calvez is an owl expert who will explain why owls are simultaneously cooler and more disgusting than the Harry Potter books ever let on. Maybe she’ll also explain why they’re always wearing graduation caps in cartoons even if they haven’t graduated college.
Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE, 366-3333, http://thirdplacebooks.com. Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Thursday October 27th: Lit Crawl
See our Literary Event of the Week column for more details.
Various locations.
Friday October 28th: On Translation
Seattle poet Maged Zaher will appear in conversation with Alejandro de Acosta to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of translation. Zaher is the editor of
The Tahrir of Poems, an anthology of Egyptian poets, and de Acosta has translated essays and a book of literary criticism of the works of H.P. Lovecraft from Spanish to English.
Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St., 633-0811, http://openpoetrybooks.com. Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Saturday October 29th: Halloween Comic Fest
For the fifth year in a row, participating comics shops are celebrating Halloween Comic Fest, in which comics shops give away free comics to anyone who drops by. While May’s Free Comic Book Day aims more at adults, this one is for the kids, with a bunch of age-appropriate books ranging from preschool to teens.
Various comics shops, http://www.halloweencomicfest.com/StoreLocator. Free. All ages. 10 a.m.
Sunday October 30th: Lake View Cemetery Walking Tour
The Seattle Obscura Society leads a historical tour of Seattle’s highest-profile cemetery, from well-known tourist destinations (Bruce and Brandon Lee’s grave) to sites marking some of the darker moments in Seattle history. Did you know the brother-in-law of Confederate President Jefferson Davis is honored in Lake View Cemetery, as well as the keeper of Seattle’s most infamous brothel?
Lake View Cemetery, 1544 15th Ave E., http://atlasobscura.com, $20, 2:30 p.m.
Monday October 31st: The Shadow Knows
If you enjoy podcasts like Serial or Welcome to Night Vale, you’re actually participating in a century-old form of storytelling. Seattle organization Sandbox Radio is dedicated to reviving the misunderstood art of the radio play. Come enjoy a full theatrical cast give voice to original spooky audio performances with live musical accompaniment.
Town Hall Seattle, 1119 8th Ave., 652-4255, http://townhallseattle.org. $25. All ages. 7 p.m.
Tuesday November 1st: What Light Reading
Young adult author Jay Asher’s novel
Thirteen Reasons Why was a runaway success that’s now being adapted into a Netflix series. Nine years later, he’s finally ready to present his next book, a novel titled
What Light, about a young woman who falls in love with a boy with a bad reputation.
Secret Garden Books, 2214 NW Market St., 789-5006, http://secretgardenbooks.com, free, all ages, 7 p.m.