By now, you've undoubtedly gotten into the practice of contacting your local representatives about issues that concern you. That's great! Now, our friends at Hugo House are asking that you momentarily set aside your Trump-related concerns so you can advocate for them.
As you know, developers are right now constructing a fancy new building where Hugo House once stood, and Hugo House will have a home in that building. And the House is in the running for a state grant to pay for their new home. But that grant is not yet a sure thing. Here's where you come in. Hugo House Executive Director Tree Sweonson writes:
You can make a big difference by contacting your State legislators to let them know why you think it's important to have public support for a new and permanent home for Hugo House.
You can find a sample email and a link to a site that will tell you who represents you in the state legislator right here. If you've bemoaned the loss of important institutions during the Seattle real estate boom, this is your chance to speak out, to ensure that one piece of Seattle that's been around for decades continues to have a new life in the decades to come. Go make yourself heard.