Wednesday April 26th: Edible City Reading
Edible City is an art book designed as a showcase for the MOHAI exhibit of the same name. It profiles the food-based traditions of the Pacific Northwest with photographs, recipes, and stories about Pike Place Market, Rainier cherries, and more. Exhibit curator Rebekah Denn will host the reading and discussion.
Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE, 366-3333, http://thirdplacebooks.com. Free. All ages. 7 p.m
Thursday April 27th: Void Star Reading
Novelist Zachary Mason is also a computer scientist who specializes in artificial intelligence. So while he works in a field that will eventually destroy all of humanity —
Terminator 2 was a documentary, people! — he explores the idea of what it means to be human in his new novel,
Void Star.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, elliottbaybook.com . Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Friday April 28th: New Beginnings
Anastacia-Renee Tolbert, the current Hugo House poet-in-residence, headlines a reading exploring the ideas of “new beginnings, non-gender conformity, ‘safety,’ and womanism,” Readers include Hawaiian fiction writer Kristiana Kahakauwila, poet Lauren K. Alleyne, and Seattle poetry phenomenon Jamaica Baldwin, who burst onto the scene a year ago and has been wowing audiences ever since.
Hugo House, 1021 Columbia St., 322-7030, hugohouse.org. $10. All ages. 7 p.m.
Saturday April 29th: Seattle Bookstore Day
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Various locations, https://www.facebook.com/SEABookstoreDay/. Free. All ages. 10 a.m.
Sunday April 30th: 2017 Grand Slam
Did you know that Seattle is home to a lively open mic scene? It’s true. The viral poet behind “Revenge,” Elisa Chavez, is just one of the incredible talents to burst out of this scene in recent years. Tonight, the greatest readers at Seattle Poetry Slam compete for the right to represent Seattle at the 2017 National Poetry Slam in Denver.
Town Hall Seattle, 1119 8th Ave., 652-4255, townhallseattle.org. $15. All ages. 7:30 p.m.
Monday May 1st: Last Day on Mars Reading
Prolific Seattle novelist Kevin Emerson’s latest book
Last Day on Mars is a sci-fi novel about a young human who must struggle to survive when humanity flees the destruction of Mars. Tonight, Emerson will give an all-ages lecture on the latest scientific understanding of Mars.
University Book Store, 4326 University Way N.E., 634-3400, http://www2.bookstore.washington.edu/. Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Tuesday May 2nd: Two Paths: America Divided or United Reading
Okay, look: Ohio Goveror John Kasich is a Republican. And he’s not one of those mythical cuddly Republicans: he’s anti-abortion and he’s very weak on income inequality. But! He’s one of the few Republicans with the guts to refute Trump to his face. So maybe come figure out if common ground is a possibility?
Theatre at Meydenbauer Center,11100 NE 6th St., Bellevue. (206) 366-3333, http://www.thirdplacebooks.com/. $36. All ages. 7 p.m.