Wednesday May 10th: Sacred Breath Reading Series
The UW's Department of American Indian Studies presents three indigenous writers as part of a quarterly reading series. The readers are poet Cedar Sigo, poet Trevino L. Brings Plenty, and Seattle memoirist Elissa Washuta, who recently announced she’s leaving town for a teaching opportunity.
UW Intellectual House, 4249 Whitman Ct, 634-3400, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Thursday May 11th: Borough Body
Tennessee painter Douglas Degges teams up with Seattle writer Chelsea Werner-Jatzke to create two maps of the New York City subway system: one told visually and one told with words. Maybe one day, Seattle’s subway system will be large and complicated enough to inspire works of art like this.
The Factory, 1216 10th Ave, . Free. All ages. 6 p.m.

Friday May 12th: Love and Trouble Reading
Bainbridge memoirist Claire Dederer debuts her much-anticipated new book. Subtitled
A Midlife Reckoning,
Love and Trouble is about what happens when Dederer finds herself in an unexpected state of sexual reawakening. The book juxtaposes Dederer’s youth and her midlife into a single narrative, tied together through eroticism.
Town Hall Seattle, 1119 8th Ave., 652-4255, $5. All ages. 7:30 p.m.
Saturday May 13th: Eartha Reading
Fantagraphics cartoonist Cathy Malkasian’s latest book,
Eartha, is a splendidly illustrated graphic novel about a brave young woman in a strange world where people read news printed on biscuits and then very publicly cry. It’s about the internet.
Here's my interview with her, which we published on Monday. At this event, Malkasian will appear in conversation with Fantagraphics co-founder Gary Groth, who knows a thing or two about interviewing.
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, 925 E. Pike St., 658-0110, Free. All ages. 6 p.m.
Monday May 15th: Keller Family Lecture with Jeffrey Toobin
This year’s annual Keller Family Lecture is delivered by Jeffrey Toobin, who is the
New Yorker’s Supreme Court expert, which makes him one of the world’s leading Supreme Court experts. But Toobin has also written books about the Obama administration and, most recently, Patty Hearst. So it’s anyone’s guess as to what this talk will be about
Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1511 E. Pike St. 624-6600, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Tuesday May 16th: Joan Swift Memorial Reading and Celebration
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St., 633-0811, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.