Monday, October 30: Leonardo Da Vinci Reading
Walter Isaacson has made a career out of writing about geniuses. He’s written books about Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Benjamin Franklin. His latest book is a biography of one of history’s most important geniuses: Leonardo Da Vinci. How does one man paint several of the most recognizable paintings of all time, make world-changing discoveries in anatomy and biology, and craft a flying machine in just one lifetime?
Broadway Performance Hall, 1625 Broadway, 624-6600, . $43. All ages. 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 31: Booktoberfest: Halloween Horror Hour
Seattle’s librarians are fucking awesome. They sing karaoke. They kick your ass at trivia. They recommend books and help you locate some obscure title you saw one time five years ago in Bora Bora and the only thing you know for sure is that the dust jacket was blue. And they also read you scary stories on Halloween when they could surely be at a party somewhere canoodling with someone dressed up as Sexy Regret. Go get scared by a library professional. They went to school for this.
Third Place Books Seward Park, 5041 Wilson Ave S, 474-2200, Free. All ages. 7 pm.
Wednesday, November 1st: Reading Through It Book Club
The joint book club from the
Seattle Review of Books and the
Seattle Weekly continues with this month’s selection,
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson. The book was originally published as an editorial in 2014, so this is not some hastily slapped-together post-Trump book (looking at you,
Noam Chomsky). Even if you didn’t buy your copy of the book at Third Place Books, you’re welcome to come for what should be a really enlightening discussion. Plus, you can bring drinks from the bar into the book club!
Third Place Books Seward Park, 5041 Wilson Ave S, 474-2200, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.

Thursday, November 2nd: The Obama Inheritance Reading
The Obama Inheritance is a new anthology of 15 stories which promises to transform noir into an “over-the-top, transcendental psychedelic thriller ride of pulpy goodness.” Every story in the book treats a far-right Republican conspiracy theory about Barack Obama as though it is true. Seattle sci-fi genius (and
Seattle Review of Books columnist) Nisi Shawl will read from her contribution to the book.
Third Place Books Ravenna, 6504 20th Ave NE, 525-2347, 7 pm, free.
Friday, November 3rd: Short Run Marathon Art Show & Pre-Festival Party
This weekend is all about the Short Run Comix and Art show, and tonight is the pre-funk. Short Run all-stars including Emil Ferris, Leela Corman, Julia Wertz, Jordan Crane, Gemma Correll, Tom Hart, nishat akhtar, Rebecca Artemisa, and Anders Nilsen will talk and cavort over refreshments. Several of the artists will share presentations of their work, too.
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, 925 E. Pike St., 658-0110,, 6 pm, free.
Saturday, November 4th: Short Run
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Sunday, November 5th: Two Short Run Events
This afternoon, Short Run cartoonists Nicole J. Georges and Julia Wertz will talk about their latest books with Seattle cartoonist ET Russian at the Seattle Public Library. Then, at night you should attend the launch party for free local cartooning newspaper Thick As Thieves, which will be taking place in the Mount Analogue space in the Pioneer Square art space X Y Z Gallery.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636,, 2 pm, free.
X Y Z Gallery, 300 S Washington St,, 6 pm, free.