Monday, November 27th: Obama: an Intimate Portrait Reading
Pete Souza was President Barack Obama’s official photographer, and the photos that he’s captured in that role have defined America’s relationship to Obama. These are photos that will last forever, long after the horrendous current political moment has passed. And Souza has been trolling Donald Trump quite effectively on social media in the last few months by posting photographic proof of Obama’s competence whenever Trump messes something up. It’s a cathartic, moving experience.
Moore Theatre, 1932 2nd Ave, https://www.stgpresents.org, 7 pm, $54.50.
Tuesday, November 28th: Loud Mouth Lit with Lindy West
Playwright and memoirist Paul Mullin's reading series continues a string of knockout lineups with the indomitable Lindy West. Mullin will be reading a chapter from an upcoming novel. West will be reading, and I quote from the press release, "whatever she goddamn pleases." (But seriously: West's working on her second book, so you might just get a special preview if you come out tonight.)
Saint Andrew’s Bar and Grill, 7406 Aurora Ave N., 523-1193. http://www.standrewsbarandgrill.com/, 8 pm, free, 21+.
Wednesday, November 29th: The Sentient Machine Reading
Amir Husain’s first book has the oh-so-humble name of
The Sentient Machine: The Coming Age of Artificial Intelligence. Is it true that AI will be the death of us all? Is it possible that the AI revolution that so many have predicted simply…won’t happen? What the hell should we do about it? Husain will provide the answers tonight.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, http://elliottbaybook.com, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, November 30th: Artemis Reading
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Third Place Books Lake Forest Park, 17171 Bothell Way NE, 366-3333, http://thirdplacebooks.com, 7 pm, $30.
Saturday, December 2nd: Healing Histories
Everfair novelist, much-anthologized short story author, and
Seattle Review of Books columnist Nisi Shawl teaches a free writing class in the Green Lake branch of the Seattle Public Library. What the hell could you possibly have to lose? For the low, low price of free, Shawl will almost certainly leave you a better author than you were when you walked into the room.
Seattle Public Library, Green Lake Branch, 7364 East Green Lake Dr N, http://spl.org, 2 pm, free.
Sunday, December 3rd: Seattle's Cold Moon: A Reading of Poetry and Rituals
A note from Seattle poet and event organizer Greg Bem reads:
The last full moon of the 2017 calendar year falls on Sunday, December 3rd. It is known as the ‘cold moon.’ We will honor this astral event with an evening of lunar readings. Location details to be announced. Reader list to be announced. The event will be free and open to the public, so please share widely.
Readers and "ritualists" include Abi Pollokoff, Elizabeth Cooperman, Eric Westerlind, Evan Peterson, Jason Kirk, Justine Chan, Lydia Swartz, Matt Trease, Paul Nelson, Rachel Nelson, and Thomas Walton.
Pritchard Island Beach, 8400 55th Ave S, 7 pm, free.