Monday, December 4: Easy Speak Rainier Beach
Easy Speak is a series of citywide open mic nights with featured readings. Tonight, they debut the newest chapter of the ever-growing Easy Speak empire on the south side of town — Easy Speak Rainier Beach! The first reader is Seattle Civic Poet Anastacia-Renee, who’ll read for about twenty minutes. This open mic comes with music from the Jim O'Halloran Trio and “whatever noise you can fit into five minutes.”
Jude's Old Town, 9252 57th Ave S,, 7:30 pm, free.
Tuesday, December 5: Daughters of the Air Reading
Anca Szilágyi’s debut novel is finally here! Szilágyi has been reading and contributing pieces to the Seattle literary scene for years now, and we’ve got great expectations for her first novel. (How is it? We’ll be running a review soon but — in short — it’s very good!) Tonight, join Szilágyi as she launches her book into the world from the swanky Fireside Room of the Sorrento with the help of her frequent literary partner in crime, Corinne Manning.
Sorrento Hotel, 900 Madison St.,, 7 pm, free, 21+.
Wednesday, December 6: Reading Through It
Every month, the
Seattle Review of Books and the
Seattle Weekly gets together to host a current-events book club at Third Place Books in Seward Park. December’s selection,
A Tale of Two Americas, is a strange duck: it’s an anthology of essays, fiction, and poetry edited by literary tastemaker John Freeman. The book covers just about every kind of topic imaginable in post-Trump America, so tonight’s conversation will likely be a catch-as-catch-can potluck of civic nightmares, spotted with occasional moments of hope.
Third Place Books Seward Park, 5041 Wilson Ave S, 474-2200,, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, December 7: Poetry Across the Nations: An Indigenous Reading
See our
Event of the Week column for more details.
Fred Wildlife Refuge, 128 Belmont Ave. E., 322-7030., 7:30 pm, free.

Friday, December 8: Khizr Khan
In an election cycle fraught with shameful behavior, Khizr Khan stood out as a dignified figure — a man who understood the difference between right and wrong and wasn’t afraid to announce what side he was on. Khan’s new book,
An American Family, details the many sacrifices his family has made for the sake of America. He’ll appear in conversation tonight with
Crosscut’s Managing Editor, Florangela Davila. And just in case you needed a reminder that the world is a political dumpster fire, the listing for this reading warns, “For your safety and the safety of others, all guests attending this event are subject to a courteous screening and bag check before entry into the event.” Boo for all the assholes who threaten brave people with violence.
Seattle University School of Law, 901 12th Ave, 7 pm, free.
Saturday, December 9: Fantagraphics Bookstore Turns 11!
Georgetown’s own mecca of comic-book greatness is officially a tween today! To celebrate the first year of the second decade of the Fantagraphics Bookstore dynasty, Fantagraphics has pulled in some fine speakers: Dame Darcy will play music and read from upcoming work. Charles Forsman will preview some of the Netflix series he’s got coming out. And Frank Young will introduce his new book about famous American cartoonist Art Young. Plus: art, refreshments, and more cartoonists than you can shake a stick at, if you’re in the habit of shaking sticks at cartoonists, you big weirdo.
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, 925 E. Pike St., 658-0110,, 6 pm, free.
Sunday, December 10: Till Chapbook Release and Holiday Party
Mount Analogue hosts the debut of this year’s edition of Smoke Farm residency’s chapbook,
Till, with readings from contributors including Jennifer Brennock, Letitia Cane, Drew Dillhunt, Katie Ellison, Breona Gutschmidt, Nicole Hardina, Mark Lammers, Molly Thornton, and John Whittier Treat. The Seattle literary community doesn’t have an office Christmas party, but if it did, it would look a lot like this.
X Y Z Gallery, 300 S Washington St, , 6 pm, free..