#MeToo finally starts making a mark in the publishing industry

Paris Review editor and Farrar, Straus and Giroux editor Lorin Stein has stepped down amid charges of harassment. “At times in the past, I blurred the personal and the professional in ways that were, I now recognize, disrespectful of my colleagues and our contributors, and that made them feel uncomfortable or demeaned,” the New York Times reports Stein wrote in his resignation letter from the Paris Review.

Meanwhile, author Jennifer Weiner attacked the framing of Stein in the Times story, and rightfully so:

And New Yorker staff writer Alexandra Schwartz just tweeted a link to the Stein story and left this comment:

Hopefully, we’ll see more harassers in the publishing and magazine industries lose their power. We’ve written many times on this site that the publishing industry is primarily made up of women, except for at the very highest posts: editors and publishers and executives still tend to be men, and that affects every other aspect of the industry. It’s time to drive the harassers out and replace them all with women.