Each week, Christine Larsen creates a new portrait of an author for us. Have any favorites you’d love to see immortalized? Let us know

Friday, December 15: Four Seattle Poets
The last author reading at Elliott Bay Book Company for the year of 2017 is a stellar lineup of debut poets. You definitely know Jane Wong, whose
Overpour was the first big debut of the year. And frequent readers of the site also know EJ Koh, whose
A Lesser Love is a genius collection that spans love and war. Mita Mahato is a paper-cut cartoonist whose first collection,
In Between, is a milestone in the small-but-growing field of poetry comics. You might not know Montreux Rotholtz or her debut collection,
Unmark, and that’s okay. Every great reading has some element of discovery to it, doesn’t it?
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, http://elliottbaybook.com, 7 pm, free.