Monday, December 25:
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good et cetera, et cetera.
Tuesday, December 26: Family Story Time
Ballard’s branch of the Seattle Public Library welcomes all the families who are totally sick of each other after spending the last two days together to join them for “an evening of stories, songs, and a simple craft.”
Seattle Public Library, Ballard Branch, 5614 22nd Ave NW, 684-4089,, 6:45 pm, free.
Wednesday, December 27: Garth Stein’s Book Club
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Third Place Books Seward Park, 5041 Wilson Ave S, 474-2200,, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, December 28: Winter Craft Extravaganza
The Queen Anne branch of Seattle Public Library invites families to join them for “books, snacks, and wintry crafts! All ages welcome!”
Seattle Public Library, Queen Anne Branch, 400 W Garfield St,, 2 pm, free.

Friday, December 29: Afternoon Book Group
If you’re looking for some purpose for your post-Christmas week, maybe you should try joining this free book club at the Greenwood branch of the library. They’re going to be discussing the brilliant novel
Homegoing, by Yaa Gyasi. There’s a lot to discuss in this book — and it’s relatively thin, too, meaning you’ll be able to read it in the days leading up to the book club. Go meet some folks who love books.
Seattle Public Library, Greenwood Branch, 8016 Greenwood Ave N,, 2 pm, free.