Applications for 2018 Mineral School residencies (and the six fellowships available to help cover costs) are due on February 15. Writers and visual artists who need a place to start something new or finish something big should leap on this: Mineral School is young, but rapidly gaining an ardent following. The setting is quirky and idyllic, the food is good, and the company is exceptional — just ask Clare Johnson, whose last round-up of Post-It Note art on this site
documented her experience at the program.
Visit our sponsorship page for more details and a link to the application form. Or meet Mineral School in person on January 28, at the Seattle Public Library's Residencies Revealed event. They'd be delighted to see you!
Sponsors like the Mineral School make the Seattle Review of Books possible. Did you know you could sponsor us, as well? If you have a book, event, or opportunity you’d like to get in front of our readers, reserve your dates now.