Monday, January 22: The German Art of Raising Self-Reliant Children Reading
Apparently, German parents let their kids do anything up to and including running around cities unsupervised and playing with knives. So why isn’t a wave of juvenile delinquency wracking Germany? Apparently, it comes down to
selbstandigkeit, which translates as “self-reliance.” Parents who are interested will find a lot to think about here.
Westside School, 10404 34th Ave SW, 7 pm, $5.
Tuesday, January 23: This Is How It Always Is Reading
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636,, 7 pm, free.
Wednesday, January 24: Shari'ah on Trial Reading
Evergreen State College, professor Sarah Eltantawi debuts her latest work of Islamic studies,
Shari'ah on Trial: Northern Nigeria's Islamic Revolution. If you’re among the majority of Americans who know little about Islam and/or Africa, you should attend this reading.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600,, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, January 25: The Wizard and the Prophet Reading
Feuding 20th century scientists Norman Borlaug and William Vogt sound like a pair of genuinely fascinating men. Charles Mann’s new book details the ongoing battle between the two scientists, and how this schism is affecting our understanding of the world even today.
Pigott Auditorium, Seattle University Campus Walk, 652-4255,, 6 pm, $5.
Friday, January 26: Best New Poets Reading
Join the best poetry bookstore in town as they celebrate the 2017
Best New Poets anthology with local contributors including Sarah Bates, Christina Im, Erin L. McCoy, Alyssa Ogi, Caitlin Roach, and Amanda Turner. New poets should be everyone’s business.
Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St, 633-0811,, 7 pm, free.

Saturday, January 27: Yellow Kayak Reading
Nina Laden reads from her latest children’s book about friendship, adventure, and the importance of bravery. The illustrations by Melissa Castrillon are incredibly gorgeous.
Third Place Books Ravenna, 6504 20th Ave NE, 525-2347, 11 am, free.
Sunday, January 28: Seattle Writes: Residencies Revealed
Representatives from five writing residencies will talk about what they’re looking for in writers and which residency is right for you. Bring all your residency-related questions to this one. Maybe this will be the year you score a fabulous will share information on what they offer writers as well as tips for the application process. Bring your questions and don't let go of that dream of finding uninterrupted time to write.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636,, 2 pm, free.