If you haven't picked up the winter/spring 2018 issue of
Poetry Northwest, get to it: it's waiting in the magazine stand at your local independent bookstore. Every issue has a theme, and this time around it's visual poetry.
Poetry Northwest always has a strong graphic element — the look of the publication gets more interesting with every issue — so we're excited to get our eyes on the pages of this one. As part of their sponsorship of the site, the journal's sharing a couple of gorgeous inside peeks with our readers: stop by
our sponsorship page to check it out, then
subscribe to make sure you don't miss the next issue.
Sponsors like Poetry Northwest make the Seattle Review of Books possible. Did you know you could sponsor us, as well? If you have a book, event, or opportunity you’d like to get in front of our readers, reserve your dates now. We've got dates left in June and July (but feel free to contact us behind the scenes if you're interested in later in the year).