Today we launch the first week of a two-week sponsorship — and the first week of a delightful two-week taste of Pope Brock's
Charlatan: America’s Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimflam. This vivid, hilarious, and fast-paced history of the early twentieth-century quack Dr. John Romulus Brinkley is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. The timing is right, the themes are on point, and the storytelling will keep you turning pages. Check out the prologue
on our sponsorship page for a harrowing incident involving a man, a goat, and a very stern medical board. Then tune in next week (gentle readers!) to continue with chapter 1.
Sponsors like Pope Brock make the Seattle Review of Books possible. Did you know you could sponsor us, as well? If you have a book, event, or opportunity you’d like to get in front of our readers, reserve your dates now — June and July are the last dates available in our first blocks of the year!