Monday, February 26: Family Story Time
I don’t know what could possibly be cuter than families wearing pajamas and bringing their favorite stuffed animals to a storytime in the Queen Anne Library. Maybe if they had pet bunnies at the event, too. But that might be overkill, right?
Seattle Public Library, Queen Anne Branch, 400 W Garfield St,, 6:30 pm, free.
Tuesday, February 27: Winter Sisters Launch Party
Bestselling Seattle author Robin Oliveira debuts her new novel,
Winter Sisters with a book talk, reading, Q&A, prize drawing and maybe some wine. The book is about two girls who disappear from Albany (circa 1879) after an intense blizzard that shuts the city down.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600,, 7 pm, free.

Wednesday, February 28: Bad Stories Reading
Beloved writer Steve Almond brings his latest book,
Bad Stories: Toward a Unified Theory of How It All Came Apart, to town. It’s a collection of essays all written after Donald Trump was elected president. Almond will be in conversation with Seattle novelist Peter Mountford about how we got here and where we’re going.
Sorrento Hotel, 900 Madison St., 622-6400,, 7 pm, free, 21+.
Thursday, March 1: Katz Distinguished Lecture
The Katz Distinguished Lecture in the Humanities is a regular event at UW that celebrates art and artists. Tonight’s lecturer is Professor and Chair of English at the University of Washington, Brian Reed. Reed will talk about the long and fruitful relationship between poets and birds.
Kane Hall 210, 4069 Spokane Lane,, 7 pm, free.
Friday, March 2: Emerald City Comicon
This event has long since sold out, but if you haven’t gotten an ECCC ticket, you should still hang out downtown and take in the costumes and the exuberance. Short Run is still my preferred comics convention, but ECCC is a beautiful monster. There are also plenty of free satellite events happening, including a signing by
Love and Rockets cartoonist Jaime Hernandez at the Fantagraphics Bookstore in Georgetown on Saturday, March 3rd at 7 pm.
Washington State Convention Center, 800 Convention Place
Saturday, March 3: Free Tax Help
Did you know the Seattle Public Library offers free help with your taxes? Today, you can find helpers at the Central Library downtown from 11 to 5 pm. But they’re also bringing tax help to a SPL branch near you between now and April. Check their site for more details — especially if you’re a writer who has done a lot of freelance work.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636,,11 am, free.
Sunday, March 4: Olio Reading
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
*McCaw Hall, 321 Mercer St,, 7:30 pm, $20.