It’s time to #GiveBIG

As I mentioned this morning, today is GiveBIG, the Seattle Foundation’s annual nonprofit fundraising drive. Before I provide a list of all the literary nonprofits that are participating in this year’s GiveBIG, I wanted to highlight a few transitioning organizations that especially need your help this year.

As I mentioned, Books to Prisoners is in need of a new home, and any support you could offer them would be a great help.

Hugo House, of course, is finishing up a big drive to open up the newly refreshed Capitol Hill home for the organization. This has been a tough few years for the House, and their long nomadic period is finally coming to an end. Help nudge them over the finish line?

Town Hall Seattle is in the middle of an Inside Out program of events happening all around town while their grand old hall is being renovated for a few more decades of readings and arts programming.

And Folio: A Seattle Atheneum is undergoing a move of its own: the organization will soon be in the Pike Place Market. They could use your support while they move into their new home.

And here are all the other local literary organizations who are hoping for your support today, in alphabetical order.