Monday, May 21: Brothers of the Gun Reading
The brilliant journalist and cartoonist Molly Crabapple recently illustrated Marwan Hisham's book
Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian War. Tonight, Hisham will Skype into the reading from Turkey and he and Crabapple will discuss Syria, war, and what it means to report on war.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, http://elliottbaybook.com, 7 pm, free.
Tuesday, May 22: Seattle: City of Literature Party
See our Literary Event of the Week column for more details.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636, http://spl.org, 7 pm, free.
Wednesday, May 23: Biblical Porn Reading
University of Washington anthropology professor Jessica Johnson reads from her new book
Biblical Porn: Affect, Labor, and Pastor Mark Driscoll's Evangelical Empire, a scholarly look at the batshit crazy church run by a toxic masculine creep that basically took over Seattle not so long ago.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, http://elliottbaybook.com, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, May 24: Bushwick Book Club: The Handmaid's Tale
Handmaid's Tale show on Hulu continues to be the most harrowing hour of television in the Trump era. Tonight, Seattle's most musical book group gathers to present new songs based on Margaret Atwood's depressingly prescient (depresscient?) sci-fi novel.
Fremont Abbey, 4272 Fremont Ave N, http://thebushwickbookclubseattle.com, 7 pm, $10.
Friday, May 25: Stellar Poets from Near and Far!
It's not exactly clear from press materials if this reading has a theme or a reason for existing like a new book release, but you don't really need a reason with a lineup like this: Derrick Weston Brown, Bennie Heron, Bettina Judd, Quenton Baker, and Anastacia-ReneƩ.
Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St, 633-0811, http://openpoetrybooks.com, 7 pm, free.
Saturday, May 26: Daydreamin' Dave Release Party
Seattle cartoonist Ben Horak celebrates the release of his latest comic with an afternoon barbecue at the Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery in Georgetown.
Daydreamin' Dave is a comic about a comic character who realizes he is in a comic book, and who then disappears from the comic book that he's ostensibly starring in.
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, 925 E. Pike St., 658-0110, http://fantagraphics.com/flog/bookstore, 3 pm, free.
Sunday, May 27: Chosen Country Reading
Remember those Bundy assholes who took over government land because they were pissed they couldn't steal government land anymore? James Pogue wrote a whole book about the dumbfuck Bundy rebellion and all the assholes who mistakenly thought they could take the law into their own hands.
Third Place Books Ravenna, 6504 20th Ave NE, 525-2347 http://thirdplacebooks.com, 7 pm, free.