Every summer, the Seattle Public Library and Seattle Arts and Lectures host a game of Book Bingo. The rundown, if you're new to town: fill a single row of the official bingo card (or, if you're ambitious, black out an entire card) by September 3rd and be entered to win prizes including gift certificates to local indie bookstores or a whole library of Seattle Arts and Lectures authors and tickets to the SAL 2018 season.
This year's card — which you can download here as a PDF — features intriguing squares like "suggested by a young person," "your best friend's favorite book," and "finish a book you started and put down."
If you're feeling ambitious, you can report your progress on social media using the hashtag #BookBingoNW2018. It's already hopping over on Twitter. And if you need help choosing books to complete your bingo card, you can ask a real, live librarian to email you a list of personalized suggestions through Seattle Public Library's Your Next Five program.