Monday, June 4: Planet Funny Reading
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600,, 7 pm, free.

Tuesday, June 5: Orca Reading
Did you know that June is Orca Awareness Month? See? You’re learning something already. At this Town Hall event, environmental professor Jason M. Colby reads about the love-hate relationship between humanity and Orca whales, and how it mostly became a love-love relationship.
University Lutheran Church, 1604 NE 50th St,, 7:30 pm, $5.
Wednesday, June 6: #WeToo: New Visions Of Consent & Reproductive Justice
This open mic asks, “What’s your story about reproductive rights, transgender justice, sex worker rights, abortion access, or being a survivor?” Share a piece of two minutes or less in a comforting, welcoming environment, sponsored in part by the awesome folks at Shout Your Abortion.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636,, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, June 7: Quiet Until the Thaw Reading
You probably know Alexandra Fuller best for her brilliant memoir
Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight, and maybe you’ve read
Scribbling the Cat. Tonight, Fuller reads from the new paperback edition of her first foray into fiction,
Quiet Until the Thaw.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600,, 7 pm, free.
Friday, June 8: A Prenuptial Reading
On Saturday, poets Paige Lewis and Kaveh Akbar will get married. You’re not invited to that. But on Friday night, Lewis and Akbar are hosting a reading to celebrate Lewis’s first chapbook,
Reasons to Wake You, and Akbar will read from his celebrated debut
Calling a Wolf a Wolf. A number of other fine poets will be taking part in this public celebration of a couple on the cusp of wedded bliss.
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600,, 7 pm, free.
Saturday, June 9: All Power: Visual Legacies of the Black Panther Party Panel Discussion
To celebrate the half-centennial of Seattle’s Black Panther Party, the Frye is hosting a “panel discussion examining the local impact of the aesthetic legacies of the Black Panther Party with artist, activist, and cultural policy expert Royal Alley-Barnes and King County Councilman Larry Gosset.” These Black Panther Party Events have been a lot of fun, and it’s truly moving to watch as people who were involved with the Party back at the beginning reunite after many decades apart.
Frye Art Museum, 704 Terry Ave, 622-9250,, 2 pm, free.
Sunday, June 10: A Ridiculously Large Group Reading
This is a reading by authors Marina Blitshteyn, Dan Hoy, Abraham Smith, and Samantha Zighelboim, along with Seattle treasure Sarah Galvin. What a young, vibrant, exciting bill this is!
Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St, 633-0811,, 7 pm, free.