Each week, the Sunday Post highlights a few articles we enjoyed this week, good for consumption over a cup of coffee (or tea, if that's your pleasure). Settle in for a while; we saved you a seat. You can also look through the archives.
If you haven’t voted yet, isn’t Sunday morning the perfect time to do it? Settle in with an election guide or three, a heavy marking pen, and your ballot, and make yourself heard. Your vote counts, and your voting counts. It’s a signal that you give a damn, and that other people should too.
Gabrielle Bellot, a transgender woman, writes about what it’s like to have your government try to define you out of existence. Vote with Gabrielle Bellot!
As a black American, as a gay man. I understand this betrayal of a flag, too, this way that you can live in a country and have the profoundest sense that it wishes you did not live there, that it even wishes, perhaps, you lived in the “undiscovered country,” where no one lives at all. I know it as a person of color, as a woman, as someone who grew up in another country, and, above all, as a transgender person in a moment when I am told — casually, by a leaked memo, which says that the Trump administration wants to create a legal definition of sex as, according to The New York Times, “a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth” — that our government believes people like me should not exist.
Justine van der Leun pursues the story of Wassim Isaac, a Syrian refugee who had the bad luck to ask for asylum at the border in El Paso, where only 3 percent of such requests are granted by judges with more or less absolute power. Vote on behalf of Wassim Isaac!
Under the Trump administration, the concept of due process has been further subjugated by a nativist ideology at odds with the American ideal of an open, egalitarian, multicultural society. (In February, the federal agency that issues green cards and grants citizenship changed its mission statement from a pledge to fulfill “America’s promise as a nation of immigrants” to a vow to adjudicate immigration requests while “securing the homeland”.) In June, following an uproar related to the administration’s separation of families at the border, Trump tweeted his thoughts: “We cannot allow all of these people to invade our Country. When somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no Judges or Court Cases, bring them back from where they came.”
Jelani Cobb sees voter suppression as a long game — with short-term benefits for a privileged few and lasting consequences for the nation. Vote, and preserve the right for everyone to do so!
The xenophobia and the resentment that Donald Trump stirred up during the 2016 election are fundamentally concerns about the future of the American electorate. (His reported comment that too many people are immigrating from “shithole countries” in Africa and the Caribbean was paired with a lament that not enough are coming from Europe.) He has repeatedly stated that he lost the popular vote because non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton. Last Thursday, at a rally in Montana, he suggested that Democrats were responsible for a caravan of migrants now heading north from Honduras, because they “figure everybody coming in is going to vote Democrat.” Kemp, likewise, claimed that Abrams wants to let undocumented people vote in Georgia. The suppression of minority votes is the homegrown corollary of this strategy — an attempt to place a white thumb on the demographic scale.
White supremacists vote! Vote against them! I’m pretty sure Janet Reitman will.
While I happened to be sitting across the table from an admitted fascist who admires Adolf Hitler and has advocated (he says trollishly) “white Shariah,” I didn’t feel threatened by Will Fears. Like so many of the movement’s vague anymen, he presented himself as polite, articulate and interested in cultural politics, and though his views are abhorrent, he stated them all so laconically you might forget that he actually believes in the concept of a white ethnostate. And that’s the point: The genius of the new far right, if we could call it “genius,” has been their steadfast determination to blend into the larger fabric of society to such an extent that perhaps the only way you might see them as a problem is if you actually want to see them at all.
I so wish I could vote for this amazing, badass, fearless woman, who is overturning politics in Georgia and assumptions about her chosen genre. Since I can’t, I’ll vote where I can. You should too.
If she wins her election, Stacey Abrams, the Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia, will become the nation’s first black female governor. She’d also be the first governor who writes romantic suspense novels — eight of them, in fact, published under the pseudonym Selena Montgomery.