Book News Roundup: Seattle Walk Report is walking into bookstores

  • We could not be more pleased to hear about this:
  • We interviewed the artist behind Seattle Walk Report about a year ago (not to brag, but we were the first outlet in Seattle to spotlight her) and we knew then that she was going places. Congratulations to Seattle Walk Report on the deal, and kudos to Sasquatch Books for being on top of great Seattle talent as it appears.

  • Brilliant cartoonist Michael Kupperman went to Google to discuss how he made his remarkable comics memoir, All the Answers. Now the video of his talk is online:

  • My take on the whole Konmari thing that's causing so much controversy in literary circles is that it's okay to get rid of books. If I kept every book I ever read, I would have to have a mansion by now. I have plenty of bookshelves in my home, but the more I age, the more I realize that I'm not going to re-read all the books that I want to re-read. It's okay to keep books, of course, but you could also sell the books, or donate them to prison libraries, or leave them in Little Free Libraries, or any number of things. I find I enjoy owning books more when I have a system set up: I keep separate areas of books to be read, books to keep, and books to sell or donate. But you do you.

  • Don't listen to The Vulture's NYC-centric click bait. Start your own book blog.