The City of Redmond is still looking for a Poet Laureate, and you have until April 29th to apply. Important: You do not have to live in the city of Redmond to apply, or to serve as Poet Laureate, though the winner will be expected to travel to Redmond to take part in arts ceremonies.
Did you know that Microsoft has an e-book library? They're closing it this summer, and BoingBoing notes that Microsoft is "taking away every book that every one of its customers acquired effective July 1." That's right: you didn't buy the book from Microsoft, you bought a license to read an e-book. Now they're revoking that license. The same thing could happen with Amazon one day, too.
Read all about the shitty kids' book that figures into a conspiracy that just may bring down the career of Baltimore's mayor.
This year's Hugo Award nominees are mostly women and that is fantastic news.