Wednesday July 6: Collecting the Dead Signing
Former Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office crime analyst Spencer Kope brings his debut mystery/thriller
Collecting The Dead to Pioneer Square’s longest-running independent bookstore.
Collecting is about an FBI agent with the power to track anybody anywhere—except for the one serial killer who previously escaped his grasp.
Seattle Mystery Bookshop, 117 Cherry St., 587-5737, Free. All ages. Noon.
Thursday July 7: BOOM: Changing Seattle
The big editorial brains behind the upcoming anthology
Ghosts of Seattle Past present new work as part of a new art show devoted to honoring Seattle “places lost, preserved and desired during moments of rapid development and growth.” With new art from C. Davida Ingram, No Touching Ground, and Rodrigo Valenzuela.
Center for Architecture and Design, 1010 Western Ave., Free. All ages. 5 p.m.
Friday July 8: Away with Nancy Pearl
Calling librarian Nancy Pearl a “Seattle treasure” undercuts her wide-ranging appeal; she belongs to the world now. But Seattleites do have the unique honor of attending Pearl’s monthly book club at University Book Store. This month, she’s discussing novelist Amy Bloom’s magnificent immigrant novel
Away. Go bask in Pearl’s heroic literacy.
University Book Store, 4326 University Way N.E., 634-3400, Free. All ages. 6:30 p.m.
Saturday July 9: Intruder Release Party
It’s a big damn celebration for the 20th and final issue of the greatest cartooning newspaper in Seattle history. Intruder staff and contributors will hand out copies of their last issue, local cartoonists and small press will present an outdoor book fair, comics genius Josh Simmons will sign books, and everyone will get a little bit weepy after drinking too many beers.
Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, 1201 Vale St., 658-0110, Free. All ages. 5 p.m.
Sunday July 10: Southern Biscuits Cooking Class
Fuck brunch. Why bother waiting in a ridiculous line with your hungover friends to pay way too much money for weird bread products when you could learn how to make nature’s perfect brunch, instead? Brian Medford of Idewild Biscuits and Bakes pop-up bakery will teach a class of ten how to make sweet and savory biscuits.
Book Larder, 4252 Fremont Ave N., 397-4271,, $70, all ages, 9:30 a.m.

Monday July 11: The Lesbian Sex Haiku Book (with Cats!) Reading
Anna Pulley started writing haiku when her girlfriend dumped her. It quickly became an obsession. Now, her new collection The Lesbian Sex Haiku Book (with Cats!) boasts a gushy blurb by Tegan and Sara calling it “an adorable and hilarious way to start the day!” and urging the reader to — count these exclamation points — “Check it out!!!!”
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600, . Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Tuesday July 12: Clarion West Presents N.K. Jemisin
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636, Free. All ages. 6 pm.