Wednesday September 28th: Eye on India
The latest in a series of panels about the Indian/South Asian diaspora brings novelist Amitava Kumar, here with a book of essays titled, delightfully, Lunch With a Bigot; novelist Karan Mahajan; and musician Vidya Shah. The latter will perform some songs, and all will discuss what it means to be an Indian artist.
Seattle Asian Art Museum, 1400 E Prospect St., 624-6600, $10. 7 p.m.
Thursday September 29th: Writing for a Cause
At a time when Donald Trump can block newspapers he doesn’t like from covering his campaign, this is more relevant than ever: Journalists Muatasim Qazi, Frederica Jansz, and former Seattle PI reporter Mike Lewis will discuss censorship. Jansz and Qazi both came to US after facing censorship abroad, only to find new threats here.
Hugo House, 1021 Columbia St., 322-7030, Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Friday September 30th: A Night with Wave Books
See our Event of the Week column for more details.
Fred Wildlife Refuge, 128 Belmont Ave. E., Free. All ages. 7 p.m.
Saturday October 1st: Catharsis: A Community Grief Ritual
Why wait for a funeral to cry in public and mourn? This event co-sponsored by the Hugo House and the Seattle People of Color Salon is a place for people of all backgrounds to come and “honor their emotions,” a safe space to grieve people—and places, and emotions—that are never coming back.
Hugo House, 1021 Columbia St., 322-7030, Free. All ages. Noon.
Sunday October 2nd: Seattle Writes
Once when I worked in a bookstore, a customer asked me to help him find a book he’d heard about on NPR. He explained that in the book, “a man meets another man, and there’s a conflict.” Seattle novelist Karen Finneyfrock’s latest writing class is all about how every book has conflict at its heart.
Delridge Library,5423 Delridge Way SW., 733-9125, Free. All ages. 2 p.m.

Monday October 3rd: M Train Reading
Everyone is currently losing their mind over Bruce Springsteen’s new memoir, but if you’re gaga over The Boss and you haven’t read Patti Smith's second memoir,
M Train, you’re missing out. Smith’s book—now out in paperback—is a literary marvel, a gorgeously written piece of art. Beat that, Bruce.
University Temple Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd St, 634-3400-4255, $17.54. All ages. 7 p.m.
Tuesday October 4th: Citizen Scientist Reading
Mary Ellen Hannibal is not a scientist — by which I mean she did not spend the better part of a decade honing her scientific understanding in a university program. But her new book extols the joys of citizen science: observing the world, researching what happens, and reporting what you see.
Town Hall Seattle, 1119 8th Ave., 652-4255, $5. All ages. 7:30 p.m.