Monday, February 5: Thrilling Tales
The downtown Seattle Public Library hosts a lunch-period storytime for adults two times a month. It’s a chance for grownups to leave the office, relax and hand over their attention to someone else for a while. Todays’ short story selection was written by San Diego sci-fi author Greg Bear. It’s titled "Blood Music,” and it’s one of his beset-known works.
Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., 386-4636,, 12:05 pm, free.

Tuesday, February 6: The Hummingbirds Launch Party
Seattle author Ross McMeekin was until this month best-known for editing the literary magazine
Spartan. But tonight, McMeekin is launching his debut novel in a book party at the Sorrento Hotel.
The Hummingbirds is about the hollow truths at the hearth of the glamorous lie that is Hollywood.
Sorrento Hotel, 900 Madison St., 622-6400,, 7 pm, free, 21+.
Wednesday, February 7: Seattle Fiction Federation
The ongoing reading series hosts Seattle author Richard Chiem, who recently announced he’s got a novel on the way; novelist Jennifer Haupt, who has a debut novel coming out in a couple months; and short story author Andrea Eberly.
Hugo House, 1021 Columbia St., 322-7030,, 7 pm, free.
Thursday, February 8: Baby Boomer
See our Event of the Week Column for more details.
The Factory, 1216 10th Ave, 6 pm, free.
Also Thursday, February 8: It’s About Time Reading Series
Seattle’s longest-running reading series strikes again with readings from Annie Nguyen, Montreux Rotholtz, and Jenny Hayes. Tonight’s reading features a craft talk from Andrea
Ballard Library, 5614 22nd Ave NW, 684-4089,, 6 pm, free.
Friday, February 9: Two poets
Open Books welcomes poets Natalie Graham and Brittany Perham, both of whom are launching new collections.
Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St, 633-0811,, 7 pm, free.
Saturday, February 10: I Wrote This Book Because I Love You Reading
Cartoonist Tim Kreider comes to town with a new book of essays about topics including “a trip with a close friend aboard a circus train bound for Mexico, a whirlwind affair with a sex worker, and the surreal experience of falling in love with a married friend in the weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.”
Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 10th Ave, 624-6600,, 7 pm, free.
Sunday, February 11: This Is the Place Reading
This Is the Place is
an anthology edited in part by local author Margot Kahn. It’s about women and motherhood and home. She’ll be joined by some contributors to the anthology.
Montlake Library, 2401 24th Avenue E, 684-4720,, 2 pm, free.