Sponsor Mineral School is back to make sure you're aware of this very important fact: applications are currently open, and the deadline is February 15th! Get your applications ready!
Are you one of the rare Pacific Northwest writers who hasn't yet heard about Mineral School, the converted old school building in Mineral, Washington? That hosts writers for residencies in amazing bedrooms made from huge old classrooms? That feeds you, and brings in visiting writers to work with you? Good news! You can find out much more about this unique, wonderful, and compelling residency on our sponsor's page, of course. Also, Mineral School will be at Hugo House February 1st for their "Everything you wanted to know about applying for a residency" session. Don't miss out on applying to one of our favorite local resources.
It's sponsors like Mineral School, who return each year, who show you how effective our platform is for getting the word out. We're getting our next batch of sponsorships ready to ship — want to be the first to know? Already have date in 2020 you want to snag? Write us at sponsorships@seattlereviewofbooks.com and we'd be happy to help you out.