The Help Desk: Got hot sauce in my bag

Every Friday, Cienna Madrid offers solutions to life’s most vexing literary problems. Do you need a book recommendation to send your worst cousin on her birthday? Is it okay to read erotica on public transit? Cienna can help. Send your questions to


How would you feel about foot binding for men for a few decades until we equal out the gender disparity? At least they couldn't run very far when we #metoo them.

Just a little pissed still, Ballard

Dear JLPS,

Nice visual but I like my men to be able to run when I scream for them, not hobble like foundered goats.

I understand your ire. You could obsessively focus on the 12-47 percent of our population who believe women should be kept in a box, have warranties, and if a baby a year doesn't explode from their nether fountains – or worse, if their fountains dry up – their lady parts should be recycled into yummy treats for clever hunting dogs.

But where will that get you besides bankrupt on foot bindings and eventually locked in a size 12 cage in a shithole farm outside an ironically named town like Ritzville, Idaho?

Nowhere, that's where.

Instead, I suggest you channel your frustrations into something productive – like volunteering to help me patent various spider-related inventions because, let me tell you, hot sauce is but the TIP OF THE ICEBERG. Imagine if women could spit venom when provoked?! IMAGINE.

